Kalanaur Road, Village Hayat Nagar, Gurdaspur, Punjab-143521, Ph. - 9463695371, 9417700374

Our Mission  

The DAV Vision of education telescopes well the National Policy of Education (1986) which lays great emphasis on developing a national system of education, with education for all, Keeping in mind the elimination os disparities in the eduactional system and provision of more facilities through qualitive interventions, empowerment of women, access to education to disadvantaged sections of the society, educationally backward minorities and the disabled. it also calls for greater rigour and discipline in academic pursuits, autonomy and accountability, experimentation and innovation and nurture excellence and modernization of processes at different levels of education. In order to accomplish the mission, the objectives laid down are as under:-

Essence Of A True DAVITE

  1. Abides by the school rules and helps foster harmony and efficiency.
  2. Imbibes a spirit of universal brotherhood, service to mankind, cooperation wiht fellow brethren, teachers and school inmates.
  3. Is tolerant, open minded, liberal in approach and attitude and to fight against bigotry and parochialism.
  4. Imbibes the Aryan virtues of politeness, kindness, nobility, integrity, honesty, service and sacrifice.
  5. Follows the school motto: Asto Ma Sadgamya
  6. Conducts himself/herself as Ambassadors of the school in all the situations and creates goodwill for his/her beloved institution.
  7. Is courteous and well mannered.
  8. Endeavours to attain the physical, vital, mental, psychological reputation.
  9. Observes personal cleanliness and keeps the school premises neat and clean.
  10. Maintaining the school lawn, gardens and play grounds.
  11. Abstains from ostentatious display of wealth.


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Kalanaur Road, Village Hayat Nagar,
Gurdaspur, Punjab - 143521
Phone - 9463695371,9417700374
E-Mail Id - [email protected]

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