Swachhata Awareness
Our health depends on healthy environment. We can never hope to live a healthy life in a squalid environment. Therefore, it becomes the duty of each one of us to keep the environment free from squalor. It is very necessary to understand the significance of cleanliness. Cleanliness is not only means about the cleanliness of body, it means about the cleanliness of mind, soul, home, surrounding, environment, rivers, and whole planet. One can do a number of things for the preservation of the environment. As a denizen of the planet Earth, one should always see that there is no litter anywhere in or around. He or she can join with the other people to clear this litter. Then it won't cost much to plant some trees wherever space can be found in or around in the open. And if everyone take it upon themselves to preserve the environment, none can dare to pollute it anywhere.